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My Outcome - What next?
Following completion of your Community Appointment Day one of the following outcomes would have been agreed by both you and the clinicians

Person Initiated Follow Up (PIFU)
You have direct access to our service for 6 months. You vcan contact us directly on 0300 555 0123 opt in for a further review as required. This could be for a telephone, video or face to face review depending on your needs.

After 6 months if we have not heard from you we will discharge you from our care.

Follow-up Appointment Booked
If this deemed appropriate then this will have been arranged at the time of your community Appointment Day

Referral to our Specialist MSK Service

Following your appointment it was felt that you needed to see a member of our Advanced Practitioner team.

You will have been added to their waiting list and will be contacted once an appointment becomes available.

Diagnostic Referral:
Having seen one of our Advanced Physiotherapist Practitioners it was felt a diagnostic investigation was needed.

Once we have received the results from the scan we will be in touch to discuss these

Referral to one of our Rehabilitation Classes
In your appointment it was agreed that our MSK Classes may be beneficial for you. These classes allow you to perform your exercises while being supervised by our clinicians. They are on hand to support you and help you perform the exercises at a level that suits you.

You will have been added to the waiting list for one of these classes and the team will be in touch to arrange this once you reach the top of the list.

Following you appointment you and your clinician felt that you would not need further care from our service

Please visit our Find and Contact Us section for information on how to get in touch.