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Is the Community Appointment Day right for me?

Before you accept your invitation to the Community Appointment Day please review if you have any of the following symptoms related to your condition and take the appropriate action. 

If you are unsure whether your invitation to the CAD is appropriate because you have symptoms listed below, in addition to taking the advised action please contact us to discuss your CAD attendance further.

Neck Pain

It is important to see your GP if:

  • Your neck pain came on following a fall or trauma.
  • You have pain, tingling, numbness or weakness in your arms or legs.
  • You have dizziness, have had blackouts, double vision, slurred speech or problems swallowing following the onset of neck pain.
  • You suddenly develop stiffness in the neck along with stiffness in both shoulders.

Cervical Myelopathy:

It is common as you get older to have age related changes in your neck and for most people this does not cause any problems. However, in a small percentage of people this progresses and causes pressure on the spinal cord, known as degenerative Cervical Myelopathy. 
Please click here for an information sheet on Cervical Myelopathy.


Mid Back Pain 

When to seek medical attention

It is rare that spinal pain is actually an indication of a more serious underlying medical issue (<1%). However, an in-depth assessment by a health care professional (A&E/GP/physiotherapist) is recommended if:

  • Your mid back pain started suddenly following significant trauma (such as a vehicle accident or fall from a height).
  • You felt/feel unwell with the spinal pain (such as fever, chills,
    unexplained weight loss or have had a recent bacterial infection).
  • You have a medical history of osteoporosis, cancer, HIV, drug abuse, have an immunosuppressive condition or are on long term steroid medication.

If your mid back pain is progressively getting worse, is not relieved by lying down and is keeping you constantly awake throughout the night, despite trying the advice and exercises within this leaflet for 1-2 weeks or indeed if the exercises are making your pain significantly worse. Then please seek further advice from your GP.


Low Back Pain 

Warning: It is important to attend A&E immediately to prevent any long term damage or disability, if you develop any of the following symptoms:

  • Changes to your normal bladder and bowel habits, e.g. unable to control your bowel or bladder or unable to pass urine.
  • Numbness in your genital or anal area. 
  • Recent inability to achieve an erection or ejaculate, or numbness during intercourse.  

It is important to attend your GP if:

  • Your back pain came on following a fall or trauma.
  • You have pins and needles, numbness or weakness in your legs.

Click here for information in other languages:


Shoulder Pain 

It is important to see your GP if:

  • Your shoulder pain started following a fall or trauma.
  • You have significantly restricted range of movement.
  • There is any heat redness and swelling around the joint as this may be a sign of infection.


Elbow Pain

It is important to see your GP if:

  • Your elbow is hot, red and swollen, as this may be a sign of infection.
  • Your elbow pain came on following a fall or trauma or you think you have broken your elbow.
  • You have tingling or numbness further down your arm or in your hand.


Wrist, Hand or Thumb Pain 

It is important to see your GP if:

  • Your wrist pain came on following a fall or trauma.
  • Your think you may have broken your wrist.
  • You have pins and needles, numbness or weakness in your hand.
  • You have swollen or stiff fingers.


Hip Pain 

It is important to see your GP if :

  • Your hip pain came on following a fall or trauma.
  • You are unable to weight bear through your affected leg.


Knee Pain 

It is important to see your GP if:

  • Your knee pain came on following a fall or trauma.
  • You are unable to weight bear through your affected leg.
  • Your knee is hot, red and swollen as this may be a sign of infection.
  • If your knee is swollen and stiff.


Foot or Ankle Pain 

It is important to see your GP if:

  • Your ankle pain came on following a fall or trauma.
  • You are unable to put weight on your foot or ankle, making it difficult to walk.
  • Your ankle is hot, red and swollen as this may be a sign of infection
  • You have swollen or stiff feet.
  • You experience burning pain or numbness.
  • You are diabetic.