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key phrases from feedback displayed as a word cloud

If you would like to share a positive experience about your care, or just make a comment on our service, we would be delighted to hear from you, to share with the staff involved and through our newsletter, with a wider audience. Our patient information leaflet will provide more information. 

Please send your compliments to:

Licence Number RTGA-CTLG-SCKH
Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

Need help or advice? Our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) supports patients, their families, carers and our staff. Call 0300 131 1000 or email:  (300/03 numbers are part of a customers “free minutes” package and any other call cost reduction packages.)

If you or your relatives are unhappy about any aspect of your care or the service you have received, please speak to a member of DynamicHealth staff in the first instance if you feel able to, to give them the opportunity to put things right, as soon as possible.

If you don’t want to speak to a member of staff or you still feel your issues have not been resolved, you can contact our PALS team (details above) to make a complaint. 

We view complaints and feedback positively using them as an opportunity to improve services.

Additional information regarding our PALS service can be found here.